Eating More Avocados Improves Heart Health

Avocados Improves Heart Health: We have all heard about avocados. While many called them a superfood, others call them a marketing gimmick, given their high prices. And now a new report claims that consuming more avocados a day could lead to better heart health. Should we be eating more avocados in a day or a week?

Avocado green in color, well, different shades of green, depending on how ripe it is. It is touted as the super fruit of the 21st century by many new-age nutritionists and celebrities alike. The pearshaped fruit has made it into our diet and lifestyle. It’s rich in vitamins like A, B, C, E, K, and minerals such as copper, iron, potassium, and magnesium. And now a new report may convince you to eat more avocados in a day.

A study from the journal of the American Heart Association claims that eating two or more servings of avocado weekly can cut the risk of heart disease by a fifth. The study surveyed more than 68000 women and 41000 men. The subjects were free of cancer, coronary heart disease, and other ailments.

Avocados Improves Heart Health

How to eat Avocados

While eating avocados has become more on-trend now than ever, the link between consuming the superfood and better cardiovascular health was so far missing. Instagram has changed the fate of the avocado. Before this, no one knew how to eat this so-called superfood. Well, here are some tips from us. You can enjoy some seasoned avocado with a pinch of salt and pepper, with a side of scrambled eggs in the ever-popular guacamole, or even as a substitute for mayonnaise.

Avocados are targeted as a nutrient-dense food for children, even as a great first food for babies. Research says it can help children better absorb vitamins and satisfy hunger and even prevent childhood obesity.

Before you add avocados to your grocery list, this superfood will cost you quite a bit. Take a look. In America, you can get it for one $7 a unit approximately. And in India, the same is available for $2.25 a unit. So, if you don’t want to splurge on avocados, there are plenty of other superfoods which possibly haven’t gotten their fair share of social media attention, because they’ve always been around a part of our daily diet.

A banana, for instance, or even a jackfruit or custard apple. There are many more. And increasingly, the focus of nutritionists is now shifting to eating locally. This means if you have to travel or splurge for a superfood, avoid it. So to avocado or not to avocado? That is the big question.

While some say it tastes like paper on toast, others say it tastes like grass. And some love its buttery, creamy, texture. So if you can find it easily and can’t afford it, then we say try it out. Anything for better heart health, right?

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