Colorado Voters Decide on Key Issues in 2024 Election

Colorado was one of the states that held its primary election on March 6, 2024, along with 13 other states and one territory. The voters in Colorado had to choose their candidates for the presidential race, as well as several state and local offices and ballot measures. Here are some of the highlights and results of the Colorado election.

Presidential Race: Biden vs Trump Rematch

The most anticipated contest of the election was the presidential race, which featured a rematch between the incumbent President Joe Biden and his predecessor Donald Trump. Both candidates had secured their respective party nominations by winning most of the previous primaries and caucuses. Colorado was expected to be a competitive state, as it had voted for Biden by a narrow margin of 1.6% in 2020.

According to the latest polls, Biden had a slight lead over Trump in Colorado, with 44% to 47% of the vote. However, the race was still within the margin of error, and both campaigns had invested heavily in the state. Biden had visited Colorado twice in the past month, while Trump had held three rallies in the state. Both candidates had also aired numerous ads on TV and social media, focusing on issues such as the economy, health care, immigration, and foreign policy.

The results of the Colorado primary showed that Biden had won the state by a larger margin than expected, with 49% of the vote to Trump’s 41%. Biden had performed well in the urban and suburban areas, especially in Denver, Boulder, and Fort Collins. He had also gained some support from the Latino and young voters, who had favored him in 2020. Trump had maintained his base of rural and white voters, but had failed to expand his appeal to the moderate and independent voters, who had been turned off by his divisive rhetoric and legal troubles.

Colorado Voters Decide on Key Issues in 2024 Election

Biden had also won the majority of the 23 delegates at stake in Colorado, which would add to his lead over Trump in the national delegate count. Biden had expressed his gratitude to the Colorado voters in his victory speech, and had vowed to continue fighting for the middle class, the environment, and democracy. Trump had refused to concede the state, and had claimed that the election was rigged and fraudulent. He had also threatened to sue the state and challenge the results in court.

State and Local Offices: Democrats Keep Control

Besides the presidential race, Colorado voters had also decided on several state and local offices, such as the governor, the attorney general, the secretary of state, the treasurer, the state legislature, and the congressional districts. The Democrats had held the majority of these offices since 2018, and had hoped to retain their control in 2024.

The results of the election showed that the Democrats had achieved their goal, and had kept their hold on most of the state and local offices. The incumbent Governor Jared Polis, a Democrat, had won his re-election bid against the Republican challenger Heidi Ganahl, a former University of Colorado regent and entrepreneur. Polis had received 53% of the vote to Ganahl’s 44%, and had secured his second term as the governor. Polis had campaigned on his record of expanding health care, education, and renewable energy in the state, and had also praised Biden’s leadership and policies. Ganahl had criticized Polis for his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, the inflation crisis, and the immigration issue, and had also aligned herself with Trump and his agenda.

The other statewide offices, such as the attorney general, the secretary of state, and the treasurer, had also been won by the Democratic incumbents, who had defeated their Republican opponents by similar margins. The Democrats had also maintained their majority in the state legislature, with 21 seats in the Senate and 38 seats in the House. The congressional districts had also remained unchanged, with four Democrats and three Republicans representing Colorado in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Ballot Measures: Mixed Results

In addition to the candidates, Colorado voters had also faced several ballot measures, which proposed to amend the state constitution or the state statutes on various issues. Some of the most notable ballot measures were:

  • Proposition 118, which would have established a paid family and medical leave program for workers in Colorado, funded by a payroll tax on employers and employees. The measure was supported by labor unions, women’s groups, and health care advocates, who argued that it would provide economic security and health benefits for workers and their families. The measure was opposed by business groups, conservative organizations, and some fiscal analysts, who claimed that it would impose a costly and burdensome tax on employers and employees, and would harm the state’s economy and budget. The measure was rejected by the voters, with 52% voting against it and 48% voting for it.
  • Proposition 120, which would have repealed the Gallagher Amendment, a constitutional provision that limits the residential property tax assessment rate to 45% of the total statewide property tax base. The measure was supported by local governments, school districts, and fire departments, who argued that it would provide more revenue and flexibility for public services and infrastructure. The measure was opposed by homeowners, renters, and tax watchdogs, who claimed that it would increase property taxes and hurt the affordability and competitiveness of the state. The measure was approved by the voters, with 54% voting for it and 46% voting against it.
  • Proposition 121, which would have created a nonpartisan primary system for state and federal offices, in which all candidates would appear on the same ballot and the top two vote-getters, regardless of party affiliation, would advance to the general election. The measure was supported by independent voters, reform groups, and some moderate politicians, who argued that it would increase voter participation, competition, and representation. The measure was opposed by the major parties, some minor parties, and some ideological groups, who claimed that it would reduce voter choice, party influence, and ideological diversity. The measure was rejected by the voters, with 58% voting against it and 42% voting for it.
  • Proposition 122, which would have legalized sports betting in Colorado, and would have allowed licensed casinos and online platforms to offer bets on professional, collegiate, and amateur sports events, subject to a 10% tax on the net proceeds. The measure was supported by the gaming industry, some sports leagues and teams, and some education and environmental groups, who argued that it would generate revenue and jobs for the state, and would regulate and protect the sports betting market. The measure was opposed by some religious and social conservative groups, some addiction and consumer advocates, and some tribal and rural interests, who claimed that it would increase gambling addiction and crime, and would harm the state’s culture and sovereignty. The measure was approved by the voters, with 51% voting for it and 49% voting against it.

 A Mixed Bag for Colorado

The Colorado election of 2024 had produced a mixed bag of results for the state, reflecting its diverse and dynamic political landscape. The voters had favored Biden over Trump in the presidential race, and had given the Democrats another term in most of the state and local offices. However, the voters had also shown their independence and pragmatism by rejecting some of the progressive ballot measures, such as the paid family and medical leave program, and by approving some of the conservative ones, such as the repeal of the Gallagher Amendment and the legalization of sports betting. The election had also revealed some of the challenges and opportunities that Colorado faces in the future, such as the economic recovery, the health care access, the immigration reform, and the environmental protection.

Category: Politics Meta Description: A summary of the Colorado election of 2024, which featured a presidential rematch, state and local races, and ballot measures on various issues. Slug: colorado-election-2024-results

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