DeSantis quits 2024 race and backs Trump ahead of New Hampshire vote

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis announced on Sunday that he was suspending his presidential campaign and endorsing former President Donald Trump, who remains the frontrunner in the Republican primary. DeSantis made the decision just two days before the New Hampshire primary, where he was trailing far behind Trump and former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley.

DeSantis admits defeat and praises Trump

In a video posted on X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter, DeSantis said that he had signed a pledge to support the Republican nominee and that he would honor that pledge by backing Trump. He said that a majority of Republican voters wanted to give Trump another chance and that he respected their choice.

DeSantis also praised Trump for his achievements in office, such as rebuilding the military, securing the border, appointing conservative judges, and advancing peace in the Middle East. He said that Trump had shown courage and leadership in the face of unprecedented opposition from the media, the Democrats, and the establishment.

DeSantis attacks Haley and the ‘old Republican guard’

DeSantis did not spare his former rival Nikki Haley, whom he accused of representing the “old Republican guard of yesteryear, a repackaged form of warmed-over corporatism”. He said that Haley had failed to stand up to Trump when he was in office and that she had flip-flopped on her support for him after he left.

DeSantis quits 2024

DeSantis also criticized Haley for her foreign policy views, which he said were aligned with the interests of global elites and not the American people. He said that Haley had supported endless wars, open borders, and bad trade deals that had weakened the U.S. and empowered its enemies.

DeSantis ends a disappointing campaign

DeSantis had entered the 2024 race with high expectations, as he was seen as a potential challenger to Trump’s dominance in the Republican Party. He had won a landslide reelection as Florida governor in 2022 and had amassed a huge war chest of over $100 million. He had also championed conservative causes such as banning abortion, restricting critical race theory, and fighting COVID-19 mandates.

However, DeSantis failed to gain traction in the primary, as he faced relentless attacks from Trump and his loyal supporters. He also suffered from technical glitches, staff turnover, and strategic missteps in his campaign. He lost the Iowa caucuses by 30 points to Trump and was polling in the single digits in New Hampshire.

DeSantis’ political future is now uncertain, as he is term-limited as Florida governor and has no clear path to national office. He is 45 years old and may have another chance to run for president in the future, but he will have to rebuild his reputation and his base after his humiliating defeat.

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