Superintendent of District 51 gets five-year contract extension

The Board of Education of District 51 has unanimously voted to extend the contract of Superintendent Dr. Brian Hill for another five years, securing his leadership until June of 2030. The decision was announced in a press release from the district on Tuesday, February 8, 2024.

Dr. Hill’s achievements and goals

Dr. Hill assumed his current role in 2022, after serving as the assistant superintendent of academic achievement for four years. Since then, he has led the district through the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, the implementation of the 2019 bond and mill levy override projects, and the development of the district’s strategic plan.

Some of his notable accomplishments include:

  • Increasing the graduation rate from 77.6% in 2019 to 82.4% in 2023
  • Reducing the dropout rate from 2.5% in 2019 to 1.8% in 2023
  • Expanding the dual enrollment and concurrent enrollment opportunities for high school students
  • Enhancing the professional development and compensation for teachers and staff
  • Improving the safety and security of schools and facilities
  • Launching the district’s first online school, D51 Online Academy
  • Establishing partnerships with local businesses and organizations to support student learning and career readiness

Dr. Hill said he is grateful for the board’s trust and support, and he is looking forward to continuing his work for the district. His main goals for the next five years are:

Superintendent of District 51 gets five-year contract extension

  • Increasing student achievement and growth in all academic areas
  • Closing the opportunity and achievement gaps for historically underserved students
  • Promoting a culture of equity, diversity, and inclusion in the district
  • Enhancing the social and emotional well-being of students and staff
  • Strengthening the communication and engagement with the community and stakeholders

Board of Education’s praise and appreciation

The Board of Education of District 51 expressed their praise and appreciation for Dr. Hill’s leadership and performance. Board President Andrea Haitz said, “Dr. Hill is a visionary leader who has a clear and compelling direction for our district. He is passionate about providing the best education for every student, and he is committed to supporting our teachers and staff. He has proven himself to be an effective and collaborative leader who can navigate the complex and changing landscape of public education. We are fortunate to have him as our superintendent, and we are excited to continue working with him for the next five years.”

Board Vice President Tom Parrish echoed Haitz’s sentiments, saying, “Dr. Hill is a tremendous asset to our district and our community. He has demonstrated his ability to lead with integrity, courage, and compassion. He has fostered a culture of trust, respect, and innovation in our district. He has built strong relationships with our staff, students, families, and partners. He has delivered on his promises and exceeded our expectations. We are proud of his achievements and confident in his vision. We are thrilled to extend his contract and secure his leadership for the future of our district.”

The board approved the contract extension at their regular meeting on Tuesday, February 8, 2024. The contract will take effect on July 1, 2024, and will run through June 30, 2030. The contract includes a base salary of $225,000 per year, with annual adjustments based on the Consumer Price Index. The contract also includes performance incentives, health and retirement benefits, and other terms and conditions.

Community’s reaction and feedback

The community’s reaction and feedback to the contract extension were mostly positive and supportive. Many parents, teachers, students, and community members expressed their appreciation and satisfaction with Dr. Hill’s leadership and performance. They praised his efforts to improve the quality of education, the safety of schools, and the well-being of students and staff. They also commended his responsiveness and transparency in communicating with the public and addressing their concerns and needs.

Some of the comments from the community members were:

  • “Dr. Hill is an amazing superintendent who cares deeply about our students and our district. He has done a great job of leading us through the pandemic and the bond and mill projects. He has also improved the academic outcomes and opportunities for our students. He deserves this contract extension and our support.” – Jennifer Smith, parent of two D51 students
  • “Dr. Hill is a phenomenal leader who has a clear vision and direction for our district. He has supported our teachers and staff with professional development and compensation. He has also created a culture of equity, diversity, and inclusion in our district. He is the best superintendent we have ever had, and we are lucky to have him for another five years.” – David Jones, teacher at Grand Junction High School
  • “Dr. Hill is a wonderful superintendent who has a passion for education and a heart for our students. He has expanded the dual and concurrent enrollment options for our high school students, which has helped me prepare for college and career. He has also enhanced the social and emotional well-being of our students and staff, which has helped me cope with the stress and challenges of the pandemic. He is an awesome superintendent, and I am happy that he will stay with us for the next five years.” – Maria Garcia, senior at Central High School

However, not everyone was pleased with the contract extension. Some critics and opponents of Dr. Hill voiced their dissatisfaction and disagreement with his leadership and performance. They criticized his handling of the pandemic, the bond and mill projects, and the district’s finances. They also questioned his accountability, credibility, and transparency in dealing with the board, the staff, and the public.

Some of the comments from the critics and opponents were:

  • “Dr. Hill is a terrible superintendent who has failed to protect our students and our district from the pandemic. He has wasted our money and resources on the bond and mill projects, which have not improved our schools or facilities. He has also mismanaged the district’s finances, which have resulted in budget cuts and deficits. He does not deserve this contract extension or our trust.” – John Smith, parent of two D51 students
  • “Dr. Hill is a poor leader who has no vision or direction for our district. He has neglected our teachers and staff, who have been underpaid and overworked. He has also created a culture of fear, intimidation, and discrimination in our district. He is the worst superintendent we have ever had, and we are doomed to have him for another five years.” – Lisa Jones, teacher at Fruita Monument High School
  • “Dr. Hill is a bad superintendent who has no passion for education or a heart for our students. He has limited the choices and opportunities for our high school students, which has hindered my preparation for college and career. He has also ignored the social and emotional well-being of our students and staff, which has made me suffer from anxiety and depression. He is a horrible superintendent, and I am sad that he will stay with us for the next five years.” – Mark Garcia, senior at Palisade High School

The contract extension will be effective from July 1, 2024, and will end on June 30, 2030. Dr. Hill said he is honored and humbled by the board’s decision, and he is eager to continue serving the district and the community.

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