Grand Junction Robotics Team Qualifies for National Competition

A group of young robotics enthusiasts from Grand Junction has achieved a remarkable feat by qualifying for the American Invitational Robotics Competition (AIRC). The team, called the Grand Junction Robotics Club (GJRC), consists of students from various schools in the city who share a passion for building and programming robots.

How the GJRC was formed

The GJRC was formed in 2023 by a few friends who wanted to learn more about robotics and participate in competitions. They started with a small budget and limited resources, but they had a lot of determination and creativity. They met regularly at a local library or a member’s garage, where they worked on their projects and practiced their skills.

The GJRC members come from different backgrounds and have different interests, but they all have one thing in common: they love robotics. Some of them are interested in engineering, some in coding, some in design, and some in teamwork. They all contribute to the team’s success by bringing their unique talents and perspectives.

How the GJRC qualified for the AIRC

The GJRC participated in several regional and state-level robotics competitions, where they faced many challenges and learned from their mistakes. They improved their robot’s design and performance, as well as their presentation and collaboration skills. They also received guidance and support from their mentors, parents, and sponsors.

The GJRC’s hard work and dedication paid off when they won the Colorado State Robotics Championship in January 2024, earning them an invitation to the AIRC. The AIRC is a prestigious national event that showcases the best robotics teams from across the country. It will be held in Orlando, Florida, in April 2024.

Local Youth Robotics

The GJRC’s robot, named GJ-1, is a versatile and adaptable machine that can perform various tasks and overcome obstacles. It can move in different directions, lift and place objects, navigate through complex environments, and communicate with other robots. It also has a smart parking feature that allows it to save energy and space.

What the GJRC hopes to achieve at the AIRC

The GJRC is excited and proud to represent Grand Junction and Colorado at the AIRC. They hope to compete well and have fun, as well as learn from other teams and make new friends. They also hope to inspire other young people to pursue their dreams and passions, especially in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).

The GJRC is grateful for the opportunity to participate in the AIRC, and they appreciate the support and encouragement they have received from their community. They are looking forward to the challenge and the adventure that awaits them in Florida.

Here is a video of the GJRC introducing their robot GJ-1:

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