How to make delicious and authentic phyllo lamb rolls at home

Phyllo lamb rolls are a traditional Syrian dish that consists of crispy pastry filled with spiced lamb, cheese, and herbs. They are perfect for appetizers, snacks, or even a main course. In this article, we will show you how to make these mouthwatering phyllo lamb rolls at home, using simple ingredients and easy steps.

What you need

To make phyllo lamb rolls, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Phyllo dough sheets: You can find them in the frozen section of most grocery stores. Thaw them before using and keep them covered with a damp cloth to prevent them from drying out.
  • Lamb: You can use ground lamb or finely chop lamb meat. You can also substitute beef, chicken, or turkey if you prefer.
  • Cheese: You can use any cheese that melts well, such as feta, mozzarella, or cheddar. You can also use a combination of cheeses for more flavor.
  • Onion: You will need one large onion, finely chopped.
  • Tomato: You will need two large tomatoes, peeled and diced.
  • Honey: You will need one teaspoon of honey to add some sweetness to the lamb mixture.
  • Spices: You will need cinnamon, salt, pepper, and nutmeg to season the lamb mixture. You can also add other spices, such as cumin, paprika, or allspice, if you like.
  • Herbs: You will need parsley and marjoram to add some freshness and aroma to the lamb mixture. You can also use other herbs, such as mint, dill, or cilantro, if you like.
  • Olive oil and butter: You will need olive oil and butter to cook the lamb mixture and to brush the phyllo sheets.
  • Egg: You will need one egg, beaten, to seal the phyllo rolls and to give them a golden crust.

What you do

To make phyllo lamb rolls, you will need to follow these steps:

  • Preheat the oven to 400°F and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
  • Heat one tablespoon of olive oil and two tablespoons of butter in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Add the onion and cook until soft, about 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.

phyllo lamb rolls at home

  • Add the lamb and cook until browned, breaking it up with a wooden spoon, about 15 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  • Add the tomato, honey, cinnamon, salt, pepper, and nutmeg and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat and simmer until the liquid is almost evaporated, about 15 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  • Stir in the parsley and marjoram and taste for seasoning. Adjust as needed. Set aside to cool slightly.
  • In a small bowl, combine the cheese and the egg and mix well.
  • Melt the remaining butter and olive oil in a small saucepan over low heat.
  • Cut the phyllo sheets in half crosswise to make 24 sheets. Keep them covered with a damp cloth.
  • Take one sheet and place it on a clean work surface. Brush it lightly with the butter mixture. Place another sheet on top and brush it lightly with the butter mixture. Repeat with a third sheet. Place a fourth sheet on top without brushing it.
  • Divide the lamb mixture into six equal portions. Place one portion on the bottom third of the top phyllo sheet and shape it into a log about 8 inches long. Divide the cheese mixture into six equal portions and spread one portion over the lamb mixture. Fold the bottom edge of the phyllo sheet over the filling, then fold the sides over, and roll up to make a tight parcel. Place the roll seam-side down on the prepared baking sheet. Brush the top with some more butter mixture. Repeat with the remaining phyllo sheets and filling to make six rolls.
  • Bake the rolls for 16 to 18 minutes, until golden and crisp. Let them cool slightly on a wire rack before serving.

How to serve

You can serve phyllo lamb rolls hot or at room temperature, with a dipping sauce of your choice. Some popular options are:

  • Tahini-yogurt sauce: To make this sauce, combine 1/4 cup of tahini, 1/4 cup of plain yogurt, 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, 1 garlic clove, minced, salt, and water in a blender or food processor and blend until smooth. Adjust the consistency with more water if needed. Refrigerate until ready to use.
  • Tomato sauce: To make this sauce, heat 2 tablespoons of olive oil in a small saucepan over medium-high heat. Add 1/4 cup of chopped onion and 2 garlic cloves, minced, and cook until soft, about 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add 2 cups of tomato sauce, 1 teaspoon of dried oregano, salt, and pepper and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat and simmer until slightly thickened, about 15 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  • Mint sauce: To make this sauce, combine 1/4 cup of chopped fresh mint, 2 tablespoons of sugar, 2 tablespoons of white vinegar, and a pinch of salt in a small bowl and stir well. Let it sit for 10 minutes to allow the flavors to meld.

You can also serve phyllo lamb rolls with a green salad, some bread, or some rice for a complete meal.

Why you should try it

Phyllo lamb rolls are a delicious and satisfying dish that can be enjoyed by everyone. They are:

  • Easy to make: You don’t need any special skills or equipment to make phyllo lamb rolls. You just need to follow the simple steps and use the store-bought phyllo dough.
  • Versatile: You can customize the filling and the sauce according to your preferences and what you have on hand. You can also make them ahead of time and reheat them in the oven before serving.
  • Flavorful: Phyllo lamb rolls are packed with flavor from the lamb, cheese, herbs, and spices. They have a crispy and flaky texture that contrasts with the juicy and cheesy filling.
  • Festive: Phyllo lamb rolls are perfect for any occasion, whether it’s a family dinner, a party, or a holiday. They are sure to impress your guests and make them happy.

So, what are you waiting for? Try this recipe and enjoy the taste of Syria at home!

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