Trump secures another victory in New Hampshire, Haley vows to fight on

Trump dominates the GOP primary, Haley trails behind

Former President Donald Trump won the New Hampshire GOP primary on Tuesday, defeating his only rival, former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley. Trump secured 54.8% of the vote, while Haley got 43.6%. This is Trump’s second consecutive win in the 2024 Republican presidential nomination race, after he also won the Iowa caucuses earlier this month.

Trump celebrated his victory at a rally in Manchester, where he thanked his supporters and attacked President Joe Biden and the Democrats. He also mocked Haley, calling her a “loser” and a “weak leader”. He said he was confident that he would win the nomination and defeat Biden in the general election. “We are going to make America great again, again!” he exclaimed.

Haley, who had invested heavily in New Hampshire and hoped to challenge Trump’s dominance, conceded defeat but refused to drop out of the race. Addressing supporters at a post-election party in Concord, Haley remained defiant, declaring, “This race is far from over”, and challenging Trump to a debate. She said she would continue to campaign in the upcoming states and present a “positive and optimistic” vision for the country. “We are not going to give up. We are not going to give in. We are going to keep fighting for the soul of our party and the future of our nation,” she said.

Biden wins the Democratic primary as a write-in candidate

President Joe Biden won the New Hampshire Democratic primary on Tuesday as a write-in candidate, despite not officially running in the state. Biden received 24.5% of the vote, followed by Congressman Dean Phillips with 20.3% and author Marianne Williamson with 5.0%. The rest of the votes went to unprocessed write-ins or other candidates.

Trump dominates the GOP primary

Biden did not appear on the New Hampshire primary ballot following an internal party dispute over the primary’s date. National Democrats made South Carolina the first official state on its nominating calendar, but New Hampshire’s party chose to stick with Tuesday’s state-run primary. No delegates will be awarded from the contest.

Still, there was a campaign in the state to write in Biden’s name, led by some of his loyal supporters and former staffers. They argued that Biden deserved to be recognized for his achievements as president and his popularity among voters. They also hoped to send a message of unity and strength to the Republicans. “We want to show the country and the world that President Biden has the full support of the people of New Hampshire and that we are ready to re-elect him in November,” said John Broderick, a former state Supreme Court chief justice and a Biden supporter.

What’s next for the candidates?

The New Hampshire primary is the second contest in the 2024 presidential election cycle, following the Iowa caucuses. It is considered a crucial test of the candidates’ viability and appeal, as it is the first state to hold a primary and has a diverse electorate. It is also known for its independent and unpredictable voters, who can swing the outcome of the race.

The results of the New Hampshire primary will likely shape the dynamics of the race going forward, as some candidates may gain momentum and others may lose steam. The candidates will now focus on the upcoming contests in Nevada, South Carolina, and Super Tuesday, where more delegates and more diverse voters are at stake.

Here are some of the key dates and events to watch for:

  • February 1: Nevada Republican caucuses
  • February 4: South Carolina Democratic primary
  • February 8: Nevada Democratic caucuses
  • February 11: South Carolina Republican primary
  • February 15: Super Tuesday, when 14 states and territories hold primaries or caucuses for both parties
  • February 22: CNN Town Hall with Trump and Haley in Las Vegas
  • February 29: CNN Debate with Trump and Haley in Charleston

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