Jorgensen YMCA Lifeguards Implement Extra Measures to Keep Guests Cool

Fort Wayne, Indiana – As the summer heat intensifies, Jorgensen Family YMCA lifeguards are going above and beyond to ensure the safety and comfort of their guests. Here’s how they’re making a splash:

1. Hydration Stations

Lifeguards have strategically placed hydration stations around the pool area. These stations offer chilled water, encouraging swimmers to stay hydrated during their aquatic adventures.

2. Sunscreen Reminders

Before guests dive in, lifeguards kindly remind them to apply sunscreen. Sun protection is crucial, especially during peak hours when the sun’s rays are strongest.

Swimming pool summer

3. Cooling Towels

For those seeking relief from the heat, cooling towels are available. These damp, chilled towels provide instant refreshment and help prevent overheating.

Dive In and Stay Cool

Whether you’re doing laps, practicing your strokes, or simply lounging by the pool, Jorgensen YMCA lifeguards are committed to ensuring a safe and enjoyable experience for all. So grab your swimsuit, slather on that sunscreen, and make a splash!

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