How Long Does Chicken Pot Pie Last in the Fridge?

Most of us find it hard to resist the delicious aroma and mouth-watering taste of chicken pot pie. But when you make a large batch, it can be challenging to consume it all at once. So, how long does chicken pot pie last in the fridge before it spoils? In this article, we will guide you through everything you need to know about storing chicken pot pie in the fridge, including factors affecting its shelf life, proper storage methods, signs of spoilage, and creative ways to use leftover chicken pot pie. Let’s dive in!

Key Takeaways:

  • Shelf Life: Chicken pot pie can last 3 to 4 days in the fridge.
  • Factors: Ingredients, storage method, temperature, and previous usage affect the shelf life of chicken pot pie.
  • Storage: Cool completely, cut into portions, store in airtight containers, label and date, and keep in the coldest part of the fridge.
  • Signs of Spoilage: Mold, foul smell, discoloration, and slimy texture are signs that chicken pot pie has gone bad.
  • Leftover Uses: Make sandwiches, add to pasta, create pot pie soup, or make a shepherd’s pie with leftover chicken pot pie.
How Long Does Chicken Pot Pie Last in the Fridge
How Long Does Chicken Pot Pie Last in the Fridge

Shelf Life of Chicken Pot Pie

For chicken pot pie, its shelf life in the fridge can range from 3 to 4 days. Various factors influence how long it lasts, including the ingredients used and how it is stored. If your chicken pot pie contains ingredients with high moisture content, like cream, it may spoil faster than one without.

Factors that Determine the Shelf Life of Chicken Pot Pie

  • Ingredients: The kind of ingredients in your chicken pot pie plays a significant role in determining its shelf life. For instance, fresh vegetables with high moisture content can lead to quicker spoilage.
  • Storage method: Storing your chicken pot pie in an airtight container is crucial to prevent moisture from affecting its longevity. Leaving it uncovered can result in faster spoilage.
  • Temperature: Maintaining your fridge at a temperature below 40°F is important to preserve the freshness of your chicken pot pie. Higher temperatures can accelerate spoilage.

Though these factors are important, your chicken pot pie’s shelf life ultimately depends on how well you handle its preparation, storage, and consumption.

How to Store Chicken Pot Pie in the Fridge

Let it cool

Little by little, every step counts when it comes to properly storing your chicken pot pie in the fridge. Start by letting your delicious creation cool completely before refrigerating it. This helps maintain its freshness and prevents condensation from forming inside the container, which could lead to spoilage.

Cut it into portions

One key tip to maximize the shelf life of your chicken pot pie is to cut it into suitable portions before storing it in airtight containers. By doing this, you can easily take out a single serving at a time without exposing the entire dish to air and potential contaminants. This also helps maintain the overall freshness of the leftovers for an extended period.

Plus, cutting the chicken pot pie into portions allows for quicker reheating, as you can simply take out what you need and pop it in the microwave or oven, saving you time and effort when you’re ready to enjoy a comforting meal.

Label and date

When storing your chicken pot pie in the fridge, it’s important to label the containers with the date you stored them. This simple step helps you keep track of how long the dish has been in the fridge and ensures that you consume it within the recommended timeframe of 3 to 4 days. You can also use color labels to differentiate between various dishes to make meal planning easier.

Labeling the containers with the date of storage allows you to monitor the freshness of your chicken pot pie and avoid any potential risk of consuming spoiled food. This small but effective practice ensures that you enjoy your leftovers to the fullest without compromising on taste or safety.

Store it in the right place

Cool your chicken pot pie leftovers and then divide them into portions before placing them in airtight containers for storage in the coldest part of the fridge. This strategic placement helps maintain the optimal temperature below 40°F, which is crucial in extending the shelf life of your dish and preserving its quality for longer periods.

For instance, storing your chicken pot pie in the coldest part of the fridge helps prevent the growth of harmful bacteria and ensures that your leftovers remain safe to eat throughout their storage period. This simple yet effective step plays a significant role in maintaining food safety standards and keeping your meals fresh and delicious.

Signs that Your Chicken Pot Pie Has Gone Bad

To ensure that you are consuming safe and fresh food, it is crucial to be able to recognize when your chicken pot pie has gone bad. By being aware of the following signs, you can avoid the risk of consuming spoiled food.

  • To start, if you see mold growing on the chicken pot pie, it is a clear indication that it has gone bad. Mold can often be seen as fuzzy patches on the surface of the food, and consuming it can be harmful to your health. Therefore, it is best to discard the chicken pot pie if you notice any mold.
  • Another key indicator that your chicken pot pie has spoiled is a foul smell. If you detect an off, sour, or generally unpleasant odor emanating from the dish, it is a sign that it has gone bad. Trust your sense of smell and if in doubt, it’s better to be safe than sorry by throwing it out.
  • Keep an eye out for any discoloration in the chicken pot pie. A change in color, such as it looking grey or having a strange hue, can be a sign of spoilage. Visual cues like this should not be ignored, as they can indicate that the food is no longer safe to eat.
  • If you notice that the texture of the chicken pot pie feels slimy or has a liquid coating, this is a definite sign that it has gone bad. A slimy texture is often a result of bacterial growth, which can make the food unsafe to eat. When in doubt, always err on the side of caution and dispose of the chicken pot pie.

Being able to identify these signs of spoilage in your chicken pot pie is vital for maintaining food safety. By keeping a close eye on the appearance, smell, and texture of your food, you can ensure that you are consuming fresh and safe meals.

Ways to Use Leftover Chicken Pot Pie

All right, so you’ve made a delicious chicken pot pie, stored it in the fridge, but now you’re left with some leftovers. No need to worry, as there are several creative ways you can repurpose that leftover chicken pot pie. Here are some ideas to inspire you:

  • Make sandwiches: Slice the chicken pot pie and layer it with lettuce and mayonnaise between two slices of bread to make sandwiches.
  • Add it to pasta: Heat the chicken pot pie and add it to pasta. It’s a quick and easy meal that can be put together in minutes.
  • Make pot pie soup: Heat up the chicken pot pie and add some chicken broth to it, along with some peas and carrots. It’s a great meal to warm you up on a chilly day.
  • Make a shepherd’s pie: Scoop out the chicken pot pie filling and add it to a baking dish. Top it with mashed potatoes and bake it in the oven until golden brown. A comforting and hearty dish that will satisfy your cravings.

With these creative ideas, you can turn your leftover chicken pot pie into exciting new meals that are just as delicious as the original dish. So, don’t let those leftovers go to waste – get creative in the kitchen and enjoy some tasty meals with your leftover chicken pot pie!

Final Words

Storing chicken pot pie in the fridge is a great way to enjoy it for 3 to 4 days. Follow tips like letting it cool, cutting into portions, and storing in an airtight container in the coldest part of the fridge to keep it fresh longer. If it looks or smells bad, discard it to avoid illness. Get creative with leftovers by making sandwiches, adding to pasta, making pot pie soup, or creating a shepherd’s pie.Storing chicken pot pie in the fridge keeps it fresh for 3 to 4 days. Remember to cool it, cut it into portions, and store it in an airtight container. If it looks or smells bad, throw it out. Leftover pot pie can be used in sandwiches, pasta, soup, or shepherd’s pie. Hope this helps!


Q: How long can chicken pot pie last in the fridge?

A: Chicken pot pie can last anywhere between 3 to 4 days in the fridge.

Q: What factors determine the shelf life of chicken pot pie?

A: The shelf life of chicken pot pie depends on factors such as ingredients used, storage method, temperature, and previous usage.

Q: How should I store chicken pot pie in the fridge?

A: To store chicken pot pie in the fridge, let it cool completely, cut it into portions, store in airtight containers, label and date them, and keep in the coldest part of the fridge.

Q: What are signs that chicken pot pie has gone bad?

A: Signs that chicken pot pie has gone bad include mold growth, foul smell, discoloration, and slimy texture.

Q: What are some ways to use leftover chicken pot pie?

A: Some ways to use leftover chicken pot pie include making sandwiches, adding it to pasta, making pot pie soup, and creating a shepherd’s pie.

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