How Many Calories Are in a Bagel with Cream Cheese?

Bagels are a popular breakfast food, and cream cheese is often used as a topping. But how many calories are in a bagel with cream cheese? The answer depends on the size of the bagel and the type of cream cheese used.

Plain Bagel With Cream Cheese

A plain bagel with two tablespoons of regular cream cheese contains around 370 calories. This is made up of 150 calories from the bagel itself and 230 calories from the cream cheese. The fat, carbohydrates and protein content are 13g, 61g and 12g respectively.

Toasted Bagel With Cream Cheese

A 4 1/2-inch toasted bagel has about 360 calories and 1 tablespoon of cream cheese has about 70 calories. The fat, carbohydrates and protein content are 8g, 70g and 14g respectively.

Armour Bagel With Cream Cheese

Armour Bagel With Cream Cheese (1 package) contains 25g total carbs, 24g net carbs, 8g fat, 5g protein, and 190 calories per serving. It also contains 0mg cholesterol and 650mg sodium per serving.

How Many Calories Are in a Bagel with Cream Cheese
How Many Calories Are in a Bagel with Cream Cheese

Nutritional Information In A Bagel With Cream Cheese

The nutritional information for a bagel with cream cheese varies depending on the size of the bagel and type of cream cheese used. Generally speaking, it contains 61 grams of carbohydrates (7 grams sugar), 16 grams of fat (9 grams saturated fat), 12 grams of protein, 650 milligrams sodium, 0 milligrams cholesterol per serving.

Is A Toasted Bagel With Cream Cheese A Healthy Breakfast Option?

Whether or not a toasted bagel with cream cheese is considered healthy depends on your dietary needs and goals. If you’re looking for something low in carbs or high in protein then this might not be the best option for you; however if you’re looking for something that’s quick to make and tastes great then this could be an ideal choice!

It’s important to remember that even though it may seem like a healthier option than other breakfast foods such as donuts or muffins, it still contains quite a few calories so it should be eaten in moderation as part of an overall balanced diet.


In conclusion, while there are many different types of bagels available today with various toppings such as cream cheese or butter, they all contain some amount of calories which can add up quickly if not monitored carefully. It’s important to take into account both the size of the bagel as well as what type of topping is being used when calculating how many calories are in a particular meal or snack containing a bagel with cream cheese.


1. How many calories are in a plain bagel with cream cheese?

A plain bagel with two tablespoons of regular cream cheese contains around 370 calories.

2. Is a toasted bagel with cream cheese a healthy breakfast option?

Whether or not a toasted bagel with cream cheese is considered healthy depends on your dietary needs and goals. It can be part of a balanced diet but should be eaten in moderation due to its calorie content.

3. What is the nutritional content of a bagel with cream cheese?

A bagel with cream cheese typically contains 61 grams of carbohydrates (7 grams sugar), 16 grams of fat (9 grams saturated fat), 12 grams of protein, 650 milligrams sodium, and 0 milligrams cholesterol

4. Are all types of cream cheese the same in terms of calories?

No, the number of calories in cream cheese can vary depending on the brand and type. Low-fat or reduced-fat cream cheese may have fewer calories than regular cream cheese.

5. Can I make a bagel with cream cheese healthier?

Yes, there are ways to make a bagel with cream cheese healthier. You can choose a smaller sized bagel, use less cream cheese or opt for a lower calorie cream cheese option. Adding some vegetables or a protein source like smoked salmon can also make it more nutritious.

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