Tennessee Shelter Rescues Rare Four-Eared Kitten Named ‘Audio’

A rare genetic mutation has brought a unique kitten into the spotlight in Tennessee. The kitten, named Audio, was discovered in Mt. Juliet and has become a sensation due to his unusual appearance. Born with four ears, Audio was found along with his three siblings and taken in by the True Rescue animal shelter. Despite his extra ears, Audio is healthy and ready for adoption. This rare condition has sparked interest and curiosity among animal lovers and geneticists alike.

Discovery of Audio

In late July, a litter of kittens was found abandoned in a duct-taped box at a car lot in Nashville. Among them was Audio, a kitten with a rare genetic mutation that gave him four ears. The kittens were taken to True Rescue in Mt. Juliet, where staff members were surprised to find Audio’s unique feature. This discovery quickly made headlines, drawing attention to the shelter and the extraordinary kitten.

Audio’s extra ears are small flaps located behind his regular ears. These additional ears do not affect his hearing or health, making him a perfectly normal kitten in every other aspect. The shelter staff named him Audio, a fitting name for a kitten with such a distinctive trait. His story has since captivated the hearts of many, both locally and internationally.

four eared kitten named audio in tennessee shelter

The shelter has ensured that Audio receives the best care possible. A veterinarian has examined him and confirmed that his extra ears are harmless. This has reassured potential adopters that Audio will lead a healthy and happy life, just like any other kitten.

Genetic Rarity

The genetic mutation that caused Audio’s four ears is extremely rare. Such mutations are not commonly seen in cats, making Audio a unique case. The last known instance of a four-eared cat was a Turkish feline named Midas, discovered two years ago. These rare occurrences provide valuable insights into genetic diversity and mutations in animals.

Audio’s condition has not only fascinated the public but also attracted the interest of geneticists. Studying such rare mutations can help scientists understand more about genetic anomalies and their implications. While Audio’s extra ears are purely cosmetic, they highlight the incredible diversity that can occur in nature.

True Rescue has used Audio’s story to raise awareness about genetic mutations and the importance of animal rescue. By sharing his journey, they hope to educate the public and encourage more people to adopt animals in need. Audio’s unique appearance serves as a reminder of the beauty and diversity found in the animal kingdom.

Adoption and Future

Audio is now ready for adoption, and there is already a line of potential owners eager to give him a loving home. True Rescue has received numerous inquiries about the special kitten, and they are carefully considering each application to ensure Audio finds the perfect family. The shelter is committed to finding a home where Audio will be cherished and well cared for.

The shelter has also taken steps to ensure that Audio’s story continues to inspire and educate. They have shared updates and videos of Audio on social media, allowing people to follow his journey. This has helped build a community of supporters who are invested in Audio’s well-being and future.

As Audio prepares to embark on the next chapter of his life, True Rescue remains dedicated to their mission of rescuing and rehoming animals. Audio’s story is a testament to their hard work and the impact they have on the lives of animals and people alike. The shelter hopes that Audio’s journey will inspire others to support animal rescue efforts and consider adopting pets in need.

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